What is public scholarship?
Broadly speaking, public scholarship is scholarly work intended for audiences beyond the university. Knowledge sharing and knowledge translation are at the core of public scholarship.
Inside Higher Ed describes public scholarship as a continuum of engagement:
Public scholarship has many points of entry and can be thought of as a continuum of engagement. At one end are more individual public engagement efforts, such as writing a blog post or giving a talk about your research for a public audience or a radio interview that informs current debates or policy. On the other end are longer-term, more highly collaborative, two-way projects in which partners co-create new knowledge together in a reciprocal way.
Public scholarship includes, but is not limited to, public lectures, blog posts and online newsletters, op eds, media interviews, podcasts, and collaborative projects co-created with community partners with multiple levels of contribution. It can also include public engagement efforts that are not necessarily based on personal research programs (such as educational talks, storytelling, videos, or cultural and education sharing).
This page gathers together links to some of the recent public scholarship by faculty at STM.
Caroline Arbuckle MacLeod (Archaeology)
"In Amongst the Coffin Wood," Saqqara Diary 2023 – Second week, Museo Egizio, March 7, 2023.
Cindy Wallace (English)
“Empathy is Both Better and Worse Than We Think,” Sojourners, February 3, 2021.
Bohdan Kordan (Political Studies, PCUH)
"Bohdan Kordan: Doors reflect horror of war in Ukraine." The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, March 27, 2023.

Charles Smith (Political Studies)
"In defence of 'anti-scab' legislation." CBC - Saskatchewan, April 15, 2020.
Fachrizal Halim (Religion and Culture)
"New arrivals can be part of reconciliation." The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, September 11, 2019.
Nadya Foty-Oneschuk (Ukrainian Studies, PCUH)
Ukrainians in Sask. gather to commemorate 90 years since the Holodomor. CTV News. November 21, 2023.
Oksana Dudko (History, PCUH)
Russian invasion of Ukraine. Global News. February 25, 2022.

Sarah Knudson (Sociology)
Pandemic's impact on dating. Global News. February 15, 2021.
Kylee-Anne Hingston (English)
Victorian Samplings Podcast. Hosted by Vanessa Warne, Jessie Krahn, and Natalie LoVetri. Season 2 Episode 5: Media and Making.
Bohdan Kordan (Political Studies, PCUH)
Civically Speaking. CFCR radio and podcasts with Lenore Swystun and co-host Christina Cherneskey.
February 21, 2023: "One Year Later: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine. The geopolitical implications. A discussion with Dr. Bohdan Kordan."
January 17, 2023: "An Interview with Dr. Bohdan Kordan"
November 22, 2022: "A Conversation with Dr. Bohdan Kordan about Russia's Invasion of Ukraine - Geopolitical implications"
Paulette Hunter (Psychology)
Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-term Care (SPA-LTC)
Today, people live longer with a variety of chronic health conditions. And from the earliest stages of their illness, most people living with life-limiting conditions want their healthcare teams to communicate actively and work in partnership with them to understand their needs, help address their suffering, consider their quality of life, and provide the information needed to plan ahead. While these are all elements of palliative care, they need not be reserved for the last days or weeks of life. To acknowledge that these needs can be addressed earlier, “a palliative approach to care” introduces the original principles of palliative care to a range of settings, such as homes, clinics, hospitals, and long-term care settings.